Former Us Model Sharon Stone Net Worth, Lifestyle and Curious Facts

Sharon stone

She has just entered the Milk Studios in Hollywood. But it can’t be Sharon Stone. She is a small, discreet woman, without a drop of makeup and in espadrilles. I agree that the chilaba you saw is semi-transparent and that it brings a driver. Also, that with her comes someone who might look like her assistant or bodyguard, but who is her friend and partner Tina Manning. Is that all the entourage of one of the most mythical stars in Hollywood? Anyone who made his leg crossing an art? Do you know the Sharon stone net worth? Or who went to the Oscars dressed in a Gap t-shirt to laugh, comfortable and stylish, of all those who only saw in it a starlet that would burn with the lights of Hollywood? Stone proved then and now that she is an iconic woman in which power, intelligence and beauty shake hands.

Someone only comparable to the most majestic of the phoenixes capable of resurfacing from their ashes. The bleeding followed by an embolism that almost ended their life now about 20 years ago. There are no sequels, you just want to eat the world. Yes, the woman who has just entered this photoshoot for Harper’s Bazaar is Sharon Stone, someone who knows how to be a woman and star as circumstances demand.

Sharon stone net worth

She was a former model and then worked as an actress in various movies and short films. From these activities, she earned a lot. Sharon stone net worth estimated around 60 million dollars. She is now 61 years old.

Sharon stone

Do you understand the fascination that exists towards your figure, towards the iconic woman you have become? Why fool us! The fact that Harper’s Bazaar asks me to be his cover makes me feel fabulous. I grew up in the countryside and magazines like Harper’s Bazaar were what I saw in the homes of others, in the offices of others, so until at age 19 I went to New York to work as a model. But now, with what I love fashion, I’m obsessed with the magazine. And it never hurts to have your ego massaged. I am ambitious, yes, vain, you can, but what matters is that I always seek to work with the best. I have gone through many ups and downs in this life and one has to accept it. But right now, I feel very lucky. Anyone who reaches this point in his life does not do it without fighting, without suffering. You don’t get here without climbing the mountain.

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What is the view from above?

Does the light intensity blind? Or you live in the intense brightness of fame or, when the phone does not ring, darkness is upon you. I know that well. This is a very hard business and people like to forget you when you’re not at the top. But the brightness of fame can also become too intense. I don’t know how Tom Cruise or Leo (DiCaprio) are able to stay there for so long. What I do know is that fame, what I have been able to do from that position, has saved me from addiction, from madness, and I trust that also from being rude and unbearable. One has to attempt to grow and not be the idiot that has come out of nowhere, the little princess without substance.

Why don’t the stars of now shine with the same intensity?

I do not think that’s true. This morning I arrived praising the salt shampoo from the Himalayan Goop. Gwyneth Paltrow has managed to create an excellent product line. But that takes time. Overcome the jokes you spend, that do not take you seriously in your business, with your image, it costs. And I speak of a woman a generation younger than me. Women are not allowed to succeed easily. Males of the same age only need to walk around showing their palm to succeed with a speed that women don’t get. That’s why you don’t know so many young people successfully. But there are. There we are all now supporting this teenager, Greta Thunberg, who is working for the environment. She would not be as successful without ‘orange terror’ as an adversary.

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In these times of #MeToo, is it easy to find good men?! For example, your compatriot Antonio Banderas. Antonio is an extraordinary person, a brother to me. I asked him to present the Oscars with me millions of years ago and we became great friends. That’s how I met Melanie (Griffith) and was on the phone with them when they had their daughter. Then Melanie was at my house when I received my son from the hospital. He is one of the good guys and deserves everything.

For Sharon Stone, his home is his strength. And that trumpeter tree, as he calls it (Mexican spring Tabebuia), where he usually sits in his garden, is the refuge from which he enjoys spending his life. To be someone without age who has broken the rules marking style in his life and in front of the cameras, the daily life of the actress and mother is even routine, settled in the same residence for 25 years – “or more,” he says. -, an old Hollywood mansion where he lives with his three children, Roan, 19, adopted during his marriage with Phil Bronstein, and Laird and Quinn, of 14 and 13, blood brothers also already adopted as a single mother. And, of course, with Joe and Bandit, their French bulldogs. Stone gets even more comfortable while the makeup artist lets the much-known face of the star out of the woman who arrived this morning. But it shows that both long for something.

How do you describe your home?

Is it your hiding place, your office or your palace? It is the place from which it is difficult to get me out. Me or my family. We are very homemade. Of those who like to cook. My children always invite their friends. We have a barbecue in the pool and I have long since thrown a couple of walls to make the kitchen a huge room. I also have the office there, but next year I want to remove it. I’m tired of having worked at home. I prefer to talk with my children and with their friends, with the girls they bring home. That makes them nervous, but getting their colors out is part of my job as a mother, isn’t it?

How aware are they of who their mother is?

The other day we had this conversation. I asked them if they had ever seen Basic Instinct. The youngest said yes and it was very good. The eldest told me no and that I thought I shouldn’t see her. I told him the opposite. That he should see it because that way he will realize that when people talk about me they don’t talk about the ‘me’ that they know but about a very different ‘me’. That they are talking about another person. And they should know that.

And his dogs?

Are they the most tender face of Sharon Stone? Bandit is now at school. He is just over a year old and must learn to behave. I try, but it needs something else because it is a kiss that kills you with kisses. But now Joe, six years old and without a great opinion from his friend, is dusty. Although it weighs a lot yesterday I had him in my arms all day like a baby because he kept crying for Bandit.

Will you accept a man in this house again?

I don’t know that yet. I like to go out and spend the night outside, but I don’t know if I want a man in my life. Not now, not never. I prefer everyone to have their place. But you never know the turns of life and these things go their own way. You used to ask me about my children and what they probably haven’t realized until now is that their mother was a ‘baby’. Out of respect, it is a behavior that I never showed them while they were growing up, but now I have decided to go back to work, go back out, get dressed again not as a mother but as a woman. Two days ago, when I did, the elder looked at me and said, “You need a bra,” something his brothers repeated. They had never seen me in such a tight dress. I told them that it was time to talk about their mother as a woman and not just as a mother. I left them blushing, Surprised, but also happy. They had not realized until now that their mother has a good body.

The Balearic Islands have been one of their favorite holiday destinations. Do you throw Spain? I went there with someone I met in Switzerland and with whom I was dating. How to describe the relationship? He was not my boyfriend or a friend with benefits. Rather, a newspaper affair. It suited me well as the mother of my children here to have an adult relationship away from them. But the last trip became very public.

Sharon has them all crazy during the photo shoot. There is nothing left of the small, discreet, almost indistinguishable woman who entered the study. There is no modesty but strength. Energy stuck in those stilettos he handles which a deadly weapon while the clothes come alive as soon as you saw her. His face radiates happiness and control. Pure energy that expects everyone to continue while looking for a faster pace. Not music but work. The 60 have long gone out the door.

What is your beauty regimen?

I have never changed my routine. I do a lot of meditation and yoga. I work the body on the outside, but also on the inside. Without my asanas I would have gone crazy. The most traditional yoga is not for me. I prefer the dynamic and even if you see me motionless; I am nailing my heels, tensing my thighs or my ass, tightening the ribcage while I throw back my shoulders and raise my head. It is hard, but with how small I am I assure you I can throw you to the other end of the room.

And in a matter of fashion, how much have your tastes changed? I have never been a ‘fashionista’. Seen what I like and period. My favorite garment is the coat. So, imagine how wrong I am. It is not exactly the most appropriate garment for the city in which I live. But if I like it, I like it. White is my best color and I also have orange tones, black, red. I am developing a taste for blue, which they say is the color of happiness, which scares me a little.

Are you still a slave to your physique even at 60?

I have never felt a slave to my physique. When you are young, you don’t even realize your beauty. I guess it’s something you take for granted. I was only aware when it began to disappear! Over the years I am one of those who I lose weight, something hard in my features, but great for the body. You also forget names over the years, but you gain deeper wisdom, a better understanding of human behavior.

My father always told me that a person is worth as much as his word. And if you want respect you have to demand it. It is not worth asking. We must demand it. It was the best role model I could have in my life. A person faithful to his word whose mother was never treated with the respect she owed for being a woman and that made my father a great feminist. That’s why I never felt that I had to fight for my rights. They were mine. Sometimes my father took my femininity ahead. Because the only strength he understood was the masculine one. He never came to understand that women’s weapons are as much or more powerful. It is equally important to know how to use intelligence than our femininity.

How much did your advice in Hollywood help you?

As Frances McDormand said, I’m on this for work. Not because of the chatter or power. I have had directors who have told me: “Come and sit on my lap.” Really? Would you tell Tom Hanks something like that? Are we shooting a movie or what are we doing? I don’t have time for these things. When I work I am the best soldier, especially if I have a good general.

Do you think the #MeToo movement has helped outside of Hollywood? We are helping, but it is a problem of laws. As long as there is no good legislation put into practice, we will remain the same. Equality does not start in Hollywood.

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