Understanding who can perform fire risk assessments is very important for maintaining safety standards and legal compliance in the workplace. In this blog, we will go through some of the information about this issue.
The Role of the Responsible Person
Fire safety in commercial and residential buildings is a responsibility that is governed by the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005.
Arranging fire risk assessments falls to the ‘responsible person’ which is usually the employer, the building owner or the occupier. In residential settings, this is usually the freeholder, the property management company or the management agent. Their fire risk assessment duties include organising assessments, putting in place safety measures and making sure that regular reviews are carried out.
Who is the Competent Person?
While the law doesn’t provide an actual definition of a ‘competent person’, the level of competency needed varies depending on how complex the premises is. For example, assessing a large commercial building needs different expertise from looking at a small residential property. A competent person should also have the right qualifications, experience and up-to-date training in fire safety.
Professional Requirements and Expertise
A fire risk assessor should have professional registration and they should adhere to the Fire Risk Assessment Competency Council. They should also have experience with similar types of buildings and maintain up-to-date knowledge of fire safety regulations and practices.
Choosing the Right Assessor
The responsible person can either carry out the assessment themselves or hire a specialist, depending on the size of the building and their own expertise.
For larger or more complex properties, it is advisable to work with professional fire safety consultants, such as https://apmfireandsecurity.com/fire-risk-assessment/cheltenham who specialise in fire risk assessment Cheltenham. They will be able to provide a detailed assessment and recommend the right safety measures.
Managing Legal Responsibilities
The responsible person can delegate the task of conducting fire risk assessments, but they do retain the ultimate responsibility for fire safety compliance. This includes recommending safety measures and keeping up to date with regular reviews of fire safety arrangements.