How to Remove Password From Excel? Step by Step Solution

how to remove password from excel

One of the main reasons is we would need to remove an Excel password. For example, we download forms, worksheets or other documents in Excel from the Internet and want to use some elements they contain as functions and data to add them to another document. Still, the original owner has disabled the possibility that we can copy and paste the Excel file to prevent us from using them.

How to remove password from excel?

Some tools can help us unlock or remove the password from Excel, most of them are programs that use brute force through password dictionaries and are difficult for the average user to understand and use.

That is why in this article, we will learn how to unlock Excel using a small and simple trick, which is to use a code using the Visual Basic editor built into Microsoft Excel.

Do you forget the password?

Forgetting the password that we have used to protect the contents of an Excel spreadsheet can quickly become a nightmare from which it will be very difficult to wake up since it is most likely that the contents of that file are very necessary for the job or studies.

Worst of all, we will most likely not have enough time or desire to do the job again, so we will need a yes, a trick or program to unlock an Excel spreadsheet.

Is it possible to remove the password to an Excel?

While as we mentioned forgetting an Excel password can be very problematic. The truth is that how we can check below. Remove the password from Excel is not a very difficult task. It is only necessary to unlock the Excel code, which is a code that we must use in the Visual Basic Editor.

Steps to remove passwords to an Excel

Visual Basic for Applications editor

Step 1:

The first thing we have to do is create a new Excel file.

Step 2:

After that, we press the “Alt + F11” key combination, which will allow us to run the Visual Basic for Applications editor.

Step 3:

Next, we move to the “Options” item in the program menu and click on the “Insert” item. In the drop-down menu that appears, we select “Module”.

Step 4:

If everything went well, we could see how in the left panel of VBA, where the project elements are located, a new folder, called “Modules”, which contains an element called “Module1”.

Step 5:

Click on the window on the right and paste the following code, what we can do using the key combination “Ctrl + V”.

Sub Discover_password ()
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer
Dim d As Integer, and As Integer, f As Integer
Dim a1 As Integer, a2 As Integer, a3 As Integer
Dim a4 As Integer, a5 As Integer, a6 As Integer
On Error Resume Next
For a = 65 To 66: For b = 65 To 66: For c = 65 To 66
For d = 65 To 66: For e = 65 To 66: For a1 = 65 To 66
For a2 = 65 To 66: For a3 = 65 To 66: For a4 = 65 To 66
For a5 = 65 To 66: For a6 = 65 To 66: For f = 32 To 126
Password = Chr (a) & Chr (b) & Chr ( c) & Chr (d) & Chr (e) & Chr (a1) _
& Chr (a2) & Chr (a3) ​​& Chr (a4) & Chr (a5) & Chr (a6) & Chr (f)
ActiveSheet. Unprotect Password
If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then
MsgBox «¡Enorabuena!» & VbCr & «The password is:» & vbCr & Password
Exit Sub
End If
Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
End Sub

Step 6:

When we have pasted the code in the window, we must click on “File”, in the menu, and then on the option “Export file”. It should be noted that the name we assign to the newly created file will depend on our needs. It would not be a bad idea to give it a very descriptive name, which suits the use we will make of it.

Step 7:

From this point, we can start working on removing the password from the Excel file. To do this, we open it and press the key combination ” Alt + F11″ again to run the Visual Basic for Applications.

Step 8:

The next step is to import the BAS module that we created in the previous steps. To do this, we must import it, what we can do by clicking on the “File” item in the menu and then clicking on “Import File.”

Step 9:

We look for the location where we store the BAS module and select it. After that, we leave VBA and return to the Excel file from which we want to remove the password.

Step 10

We make sure that the Excel file is open and in the foreground and then press the key combination “Alt + F8”. In the macro box that appears, we can see in the “Discover password” list, which is the BAS module we created earlier.

Step 11:

To remove a password in Excel, press and press the “Execute” button.

Step 12:

From this point on, the macro starts working on getting our much-awaited Excel password. It should be noted that the procedure may take a long time to complete, depending on the complexity of the password assigned by the original owner.

Step 13:

Once the program finishes doing its homework, it will present a dialog box with the password to check out the Excel file.

It should be noted that at this point, that the password that the system returns to us may not be the same assigned by the original author of the file to delete the password, it will serve us perfectly.

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